Top 5 Fleas Home Remedy : Our Best Home Remedies For Fleas

fleas home remedy

Top 5 Fleas Home Remedy : Our Best Home Remedies For Fleas

In the dog days of summer’s end the last thing you want to do is to itch like a chimp all the time and try to catch tiny acrobat around your house. Fleas are seemingly impossible to get rid of. But don’t rush to spread poisonous toxins all over. but don’t worry we will share Top 5 Fleas Home Remedy.

There are natural ways to alleviate this tiny pest!

First thing first; you need to remeber that nothing will replace a good old cleaning.

All the remedies and repellents will have a much better effect if you combine them with vacuuming, shampooping carpets and of course bathing your pets if you have them.

So, take all the following advice not as a magic trick that will miraculously make all the fleas disappear but cool life hacks that’ll help you immensely in your struggle against these horrible pests.

1) Vinegar Sprays

fleas at home remedy

Fleas are numerous and it seems like no matter how many of them you put to an end, there are always more.But they’re also pretty vulnerable, Fortunately, they’re more vulnerable than babies and pests, so this leaves us with a lot of weak toxins that will eradicate fleas, but don’t do any harm to you or your loved ones.

A good recipe will contain vinegar, fleas hate it! The easiest one to get at any time would be apple cider vinegar.Just mix it 1 to 1 with water and spray the areas where you’ve seen fleas. While it’s not dangerous for your loved ones by any means, it’s also not completely lethal for fleas. Instead it will make your cleaning much more effective, since fleas won’t be as active and agile after close contact with a vinegar solution.

2) Lemon Spray

fleas in home remedy

Also like vinegar, Lemons also protect your house from fleas and it is at the Top out of 5 Fleas Home Remedy. Just three will do. They need to be shredded in thin slices and drop into water with all the juice and peel. Lemon peel has another helpful effect, it has essential oils in it, which are also universally hates by fleas. If you let the solution steep for a while the oils will give their repellent qualities to the water. Just like with vinegar spray it wherever it’s needed.

3) Baking Soda or Salt

home remedy for fleas

This mixture is perfect if you still don’t trust other unfamiliar remedies. It won’t be as effective and you may need to repeat the process of sprinkling it all over the place and vacuuming it up several times. But if you clean your vacuum’s canister carefully without letting the fleas out near your house, it’ll work well.

4) Sulfur or Boric Acid

fleas home remedy dogs

These are fine powders or solutions that are cheap and easy to find in any pharmacy. They’ll be lethally toxic for fleas if you sprinkle them thinly. But don’t forget to wear a respirator and don’t work without protective gloves. By themselves, these powders are natural and non-toxic for people or grown-up pets. But you won’t enjoy their smell at all and they can do harm to young pets under 6 months.

These are fine powders or solutions that are cheap and easy to find in any pharmacy. They’ll be lethally toxic for fleas if you sprinkle them thinly. But don’t forget to wear a respirator and don’t work without protective gloves. By themselves, these powders are natural and non-toxic for people or grown-up pets. But you won’t enjoy their smell at all and they can do harm to young pets under 6 months.

5) Flea Trap

fleas home remedy for dogs

They’re are uncontrollably attracted to light in the dark, especially yellow light.The easiest way to use this against the fleas is to set a small light right over a big dish that’s filled with a water and dish soap mixture. The next morning, you’ll see for yourself how effective this trap is, the dish will be filled with fleas that had no chance to get out of the soapy water.

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